Saturday 30 June 2012

Top 10 detox foods

Recently overindulged? Feeling a bit sluggish? Or just not looking your best? It could be that your body is in need of a detox. Fortunately, there are many foods around that can help counteract the effects of a toxic lifestyle. Whether you want to lose weight, feel more energised, improve your complexion or boost your mood, check out these top 10 foods to cleanse your body and boost your health.


Top 10 detox foods

Like most green herbs and vegetables, watercress is an excellent health-booster and detox food. Firstly, watercress leaves are packed with many vital detoxifying nutrients, including several B vitamins, zinc, potassium, vitamin E and vitamin C. Secondly, watercress has natural diuretic properties, which can help to flush toxins out the body. To reap the benefits of this nutritious food, try adding a handful of watercress to salads, soups and sandwiches.

Brown rice

Top 10 detox foods

If you want to cleanse your system and boost your health, it is a good idea to cut down on processed foods. Instead, try supplementing your diet with healthier whole grains such as brown rice, which is rich in many key detoxifying nutrients including B vitamins, magnesium, manganese and phosphorous. Brown rice is also high in fibre, which is good for cleansing the colon, and rich in selenium, which can help to protect the liver as well as improving the complexion.

Fresh fruits
Top 10 detox foods

Fresh fruits are high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre= and are also low in calories, making them an important part of a detox diet. If you're after brighter eyes and skin, shinier hair and improved digestion, try boosting your intake of fruit and eating from a wide variety of different kinds. The good news is fruit is easy to add to your diet, so try starting your day with a fresh fruit salad or smoothie and snacking on pieces of fruit throughout the day.


Top 10 detox foods

Many celebs have resorted to the cabbage soup diet to help lose weight and get in shape quickly before a big event, however cabbage is not only good for weight loss - it is also an excellent detoxifying food. Like most cruciferous vegetables (including broccoli and sprouts), cabbage contains a chemical called sulforaphane, which helps the body fight against toxins. Cabbage also supplies the body with glutathione; an antioxidant that helps improve the detoxifying function of the liver.

Green tea

Top 10 detox foods

While it's not technically a food, no detox plan would be complete without regular consumption of essential liquids. Fluids are essential for keeping our organs healthy and helping to flush toxins from the body, and drinking green tea is a great way of boosting your intake. Green tea is not only a good weight-loss drink, but it is extremely high in antioxidants. Research has also suggested that drinking green tea can protect the liver from diseases including fatty liver disease.


Top 10 detox foods

 For those needing a quick health-boosting shot of nutrients, you can't do much better than beetroot. Packed with magnesium, iron, and vitamin C, the vegetable has recently been hailed as a superfood due to its many reported health benefits. Not only is beetroot great for skin, hair and cholesterol levels, but it can also help support liver detoxification, making it an ultimate detox food. To enjoy its benefits, try adding raw beetroot to salads or sipping on some beetroot juice.


Top 10 detox foods

If you have recently been overindulging in fatty foods and alcohol, adding some steamed globe artichoke leaves to your meals is a great way to help get your body back on track. Globe artichokes are packed with antioxidants and fibre and can also help the body digest fatty foods. On top of this, globe artichoke is renowned for its ability to stimulate and improve the functions of the liver - the body's main toxin-fighting tool.


Top 10 detox foods

 Garlic has long been known for its heart benefits, however the pungent food is also good at detoxifying the body. Garlic is not only antiviral, antibacterial and antibiotic, but it contains a chemical called allicin which promotes the production of white blood cells and helps fight against toxins. Garlic is best eaten raw, so add some crushed garlic to a salad dressing to boost its flavour and your health at the same time.


Top 10 detox foods

 If too much fatty food or alcohol has caused problems for your digestive system, it may be worthwhile adding some ginger to your diet. Ginger is not only great for reducing feelings of nausea, but it can help improve digestion, beat bloating and reduce gas. In addition to this, ginger is high in antioxidants and is good for boosting the immune system. To give your digestion a helping hand, try sipping on ginger tea or adding some freshly grated ginger to a fruit or vegetable juice.

Top 10 detox foods

 Lemons are a staple of many detox diets, and there is good reason for this. Firstly, lemons are packed with antioxidant vitamin C, which is great for the skin and for fighting disease-forming free-radicals. Furthermore, the citrus fruit has an alkaline effect on the body, meaning that it can help restore the body's pH balance, benefitting the immune system. Try starting your day with hot water and a slice of lemon to help flush out toxins and cleanse your system.

Top 10 healing foods

10 medicinal foods to boost and restore your health

With many of us turning to antibiotics and flu remedies at the merest hint of a sneeze, we could be exposing our bodies to all sorts of side-effects as well as building immunity to their beneficial effects. Luckily, there are many ways to heal your body without hitting the medicine cupboard. While many conditions do require traditional medicine, to help treat minor conditions or supplement ongoing treatment, check out our top 10 medicinal foods.

The antibiotic: garlic

Garlic has long had a reputation as a natural antibiotic. In fact, one study by researchers from the University of East London found that the allicin present in garlic was effective against the most antibiotic-resistant strains of "superbug" MRSA. While it is inadvisable to ditch the antibiotics without seeking professional advice, for minor conditions such as acne where long-term antibiotic use is required, it may be worth considering garlic as a natural alternative.

The flu remedy: manuka honey

Manuka honey is packed with antioxidants and is also renowned for its antibacterial and antiviral properties. This powerful honey can be used to help treat many conditions including ulcers, acne and digestive problems, and it is also a good treatment for the flu and common cold. The honey is not only a great immune-booster, but its antiviral properties help protect against cold and flu symptoms while its antibacterial properties can tackle the bacteria that can lead to a sore throat.

The digestive aid: peppermint tea

If you're suffering from nausea, flatulence or IBS, a cup of peppermint tea may help sort you out. Peppermint has a mildly anaesthetic effect on the stomach lining, which can help reduce nausea. In addition to this, it is also an antispasmodic, meaning that it can help relieve muscle spasms along the digestive tract, helping with the painful symptoms of IBS.

The antacid: bananas

If you regularly suffer from heartburn or indigestion, it may be worth adding more bananas to your diet. Bananas are renowned for their antacid properties, which can soothe painful heartburn as well as protecting against stomach ulcers. As an added bonus, bananas can also decrease risk of stroke and lower blood pressure, making them an extremely healthy alternative to antacid medication.

The anti-depressant: chocolate

Chocolate is known to be high in mood-boosting chemicals, and findings published in the scientific journal Nutritional Neuroscience have suggested that the food can help reduce the symptoms of depression. The popular treat is not only high in magnesium, which can aid relaxation, but it contains anandamide, a neurotransmitter which can help regulate mood, and phenylethylamine, which raises endorphin levels. However, the mood-boosting food should still be eaten in moderation!

The sleep aid: oats
If you're struggling to get a good night's sleep, try eating a small bowl of porridge before bedtime to help you drift off. Oats are a good natural source of melatonin, which is often taken as a sleep aid due to its ability to help regulate the body's internal clock. On top of this, they are also a rich source of tryptophan, which helps the brain to produce more melatonin as well as the relaxing chemical serotonin.

The painkiller: oily fish
As well as being good for your brain and eyesight, the fats in oily fish can act as natural painkillers for many conditions due to their anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have suggested that regularly eating oily fish can help reduce the pain of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, while separate research has indicated that fish oil can help treat lower back and neck pain. Also - good news for the girls - researchers have found that fish oil can help reduce menstrual pain and cramps.

The antihistamine: capers 
Capers may not be a typical store cupboard essential, however they could prove very beneficial to those suffering from allergies. Capers are rich in the bioflavonoids rutin and quercetin (also found in apples, red onion and tea), both of which have antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties. Quercetin is particularly effective as an anti-allergy remedy when taken with bromelain; an enzyme found naturally in pineapple.

The stop smoking aid: milk
While quitting smoking is never easy and requires a huge amount of dedication, there are certain foods you can add to your diet to make it a bit easier to quit. Researchers at Duke University Medical Center conducted research into foods that may help smokers break the habit and discovered that smokers found drinking milk before lighting up worsened the taste of their cigarette. Although this approach won't work by itself, next time you crave a cigarette try drinking a glass of milk before to make the experience a little less pleasurable.

The travel sickness remedy: ginger
Ginger is an all round good health food, being high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. However, ginger's most reputed benefit is its effectiveness at treating all types of nausea, making it a great alternative to motion sickness tablets when travelling. To help ease the nausea associated with travel sickness, try eating crystallised ginger or ginger biscuits, or drink some ginger tea or ginger ale.

Friday 29 June 2012

Top 5 Fertility-Boosting Foods for Women

There’s no need to feel deprived when you’re trying to get pregnant. Quite the opposite. Check out these foods that taste great and can help keep your body in top baby-making condition.

Whole Grains

You don’t have to give up carbs, just choose wisely. Complex carbohydrates like whole grain breads, brown rice, stone-ground cornmeal, and oatmeal don’t affect blood sugar and insulin as dramatically as refined carbohydrates (white bread, white rice, bleached flour, etc). And anything that’s good for insulin function is good for fertility.

 Plant Protein

Protein from plant sources like beans, peas, and peanuts has been associated with increased fertility, as opposed to protein from red meat and poultry. Beans are also high in iron, another fertility-helper. No need to become a vegetarian, but do try to limit meat to occasional small portions.

Full-Fat Dairy Products

It might be hard to think of whole milk, full-fat yogurt, and even ice cream as fertility foods, but a study showed that women who consume these foods (as opposed to low-fat or no-fat dairy) have fewer problems with ovulation. And dairy contains calcium, too, which is an important fertility nutrient. Researchers caution not to overdo it with the full-fat stuff, but one serving a day might help (compensate for the extra calories elsewhere in your diet).

 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 

Where to begin with how healthy and important for fertility fresh produce is? First of all, it’s full of antioxidants, which promote general—and reproductive—health. Plus many fruits and vegetables—oranges and citrus fruits, strawberries, green leafy vegetables—are high in folate, an important nutrient to load up on before pregnancy to prevent birth defects.

Right Fats: Monounsaturated, Polyunsatured, Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Say “no” to trans fats and saturated fats...and  yes to monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, and omega-3 fatty acids. These fats reduce inflammation and increase insulin sensitivity. Where to get them? In avocados, nuts, sesame and pumpkin seeds, sardines, and salmon.

You can combine these foods in all sorts of ways to magnify the fertility-boosting impact of any meal or snack. Instead of a plain salmon sushi roll, order the one with avocado. Add almonds to your morning oatmeal. Switch to brown rice at the Chinese restaurant. Indulge in creamy cornmeal polenta with cheese, or add a bit of full-fat yogurt or sour cream to black beans. Fabulous-tasting...and fertility-boosting.

8 Natural Ways to Regulate Your Period and Balance Hormones

First, you need to figure out the cause of your irregular periods. If you don’t know why you’re not menstruating regularly, then you won’t be able to fix it!
If you’re not getting your period, you may have amenorrhea — and you need to talk to your doctor.

Take Black Cohosh 

Women sometimes take Black Cohosh Rootto regulate periods, ease PMS symptoms, and induce labor. Black cohosh has also been used to relieve arthritis pain and help lower blood pressure. However, research has not verified how effective black cohosh is in regulating menstruation. For some women it’s great, and for others it does nothing to balance their hormones. So…it’s one of those things you may just have to try.

 Blue Cohosh - Regulates periods

Blue Cohosh Root can regulate the menstrual cycle, ease menstrual cramping, and treat endometriosis. Don’t take this herb if you’re on prescription medications – talk to your doctor first!  Native Americans use this natural herbal product to induce labor, and it can be toxic.

 Wild Yam Root -Balances hormones

Wild Yam Root is a herbal product that contains diosgenin, which may balance progesterone. Wild yam root may effectively treat menstrual irregularities, cramps, infertility, menopause, and endometriosis. Again, if you’re on other medications, talk to your doctor before trying this herb to regulate your period. But it doesn’t work for everyone; my massage therapist tried wild yam root and found it totally ineffective. But, it regulates other women’s hormones.

 Soy- Stabilizes Mood

Soy products, such as soy nuts and tofu, can help balance your hormones and stabilize your moods. Soy contains isoflavones or phytoestrogen (plant estrogens) that may work as a weak form of estrogen. Large amounts of soy can throw off your hormonal balance, but light to moderate amounts can help regulate your period (again, depending on what the cause of your irregular periods are).

Try acupuncture – regulates blood flow


This naturopathic remedy balances hormones and regulates blood flow. Acupuncture may help to regulate periods in women who have polycystic ovary syndrome.

 Aromatherapy and Essential Oils

In aromatherapy, essential oils stimulate your olfactory (smell) nerves, which can affect emotions and balance hormones. Aromatherapy oils can promote restful sleep, alleviate headaches, lessen anxiety and depression, and help balance hormones. If you’re looking for ways to regulate your period, talk to a naturopathic doctor or homeopathic specialist about the different types of aromatherapy.

Deal with your stress - causes irregular periods

Tension, anxiety, lack of sleep, poor eating habits, and upset moods can affect your menstrual cycle — and not in a good way! To regulate your periods, find healthy ways to deal with the stress in your life. Get massages, exercise regularly, get intimate with your partner, and get enough sleep! 
These suggestions will help balance your hormones and mood.

Tips For How to Lose Belly Fat

You can lose belly fat naturally if it is done without the aid of diet pills, fad diets and weight loss gimmicks. Natural belly fat loss can only occur if you adopt the necessary holistic measures into your lifestyle. This includes a healthy diet, exercise, stress management, adequate sleep, education and other factors that promote healthy living.

What most people do not realize is that there really is no other way to lose belly fat. Only a holistic approach will succeed and worst of all, not many people know how to loss bellyfat.

Conventional weight loss methods can give you huge amounts of weight loss. The challenge is that you have no way of knowing what proportion of the weight loss is attributed to muscles and fat. Only pure fat loss will move you closer to a flat stomach. This requires a natural and holistic approach.

Conventional weight loss does not need a natural and holistic approach. You can get on the latest fad diet and lose lots of weight but you will not be able to lose fat in your belly.

We have thrown together a huge resource that you can use if you are looking for answers on how to lose belly fat naturally. Bookmark this page and keep coming back until you have had a firm understanding of the steps proposed. As sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, you will lose belly fat.

Steps for how to Lose belly fat

Exercise for Weight Loss

Aerobic exercise will facilitate fat-loss all over your body, including your belly. You can't "spot-burn" belly fat, but it's usually the first to burn off when you exercise, regardless of your body shape or size. Just be sure that you focus on calorie-burning exercises, rather than  sits-up or crunches.

 Add resistance training

A study published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism suggests that combining cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise with resistance training is more effective than cardiovascular training alone in getting rid of abdominal fat. You can do resistance training with free weights, exercise machines, or resistance bands.

Reduce your calorie consumption, and swap out certain foods for others

Unless you restrict your calorie intake, you're not going to lose belly fat. There are some tactics that might help do away with belly fat faster, but only when you've already consistently restricted your calorie intake. For example, eating an avocado after eating an entire bag of chips isn't going to help you get rid of belly fat--in fact, it'll probably make the problem worse. By reducing your daily calorie intake to 500 calories below your maintenance level you can expect to loose around 1 pound per week. The key point here is that a real diet does not involve removing or drastically reducing your intake of calories, there should only be a slight reduction. If you do not get out of hand when reducing your caloric intake, weight loss should not be incredibly painful. It's much easier to maintain a slow, gradual loss of weight than attempting to lose lots in a short period of time.

 Switch out refined grains for whole grains

In a scientific study, people who ate all whole grains (in addition to five servings of fruits and vegetables, three servings of low-fat dairy, and two servings of lean meat, fish, or poultry) lost more belly fat than another group that ate the same diet, but with all refined grains. A diet rich in whole grains changes the glucose and insulin response in your body, which hastens the melting of fat.

 Eat the better fats

Studies suggest that a diet with a higher ratio of monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) can prevent the accumulation of both types of belly fat. Some experts argue, though, that it's not that these fats specifically target abdominal fat in any way; it's that anyone will probably lose weight on a lower calorie diet , belly fat is usually the first to go.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Women who work nights likelier to get breast cancer

Women having a mammogram: Women who work nights are twice as likely to develop breast cancer and those who are 'morning people' are at a four-fold risk, it has been found.

Women who did night shifts had a higher risk of developing breast cancer, as compared to sisters who worked in daytime, according to a study. ”Our work has corroborated the results of previous studies and poses the problem of taking night work into consideration in public health management, especially since the number of women working a typical hours is on the increase.

Breast cancer is the number one cause of female mortality. It affects 100 out of 100,000 women per year in developed countries. Every year, more than 1.3 million new cases are diagnosed, 53,000 of these in France, said a university statement. Inserm researchers examined the effect of night work on the health of 3,000 women in France between 2005 and 2008, including each period of night work. Over 11 percent of women had worked nights at some time during their career.
This increased risk was particularly marked in women who had worked nights for over four years, or in women whose working rhythm was less than three nights per week, because this led to more frequent disturbances between night and day rhythms.
Finally, the link between night work and breast cancer seemed to be more marked when we looked at women who had worked at night prior to a first pregnancy. An explanation for this result could be that the mammary cells, incompletely differentiated in women before their first pregnancy, are more vulnerable.

Friday 15 June 2012

Get Rid of Tan Naturally

So your beach weekend seems to have left its mark on you, quite literally that is. Don’t be worried about walking into office on Monday with that tan as we help you get rid of it and get back to your work mode. Follow these few natural remedies to get rid of tan easily.

When you exfoliate, you remove your skin's dead cells. This way you can easily get the tan removed. When exfoliating your face, use a scrub that has soft granules so that your face does not get rashes. Also ensure that you use the scrub gently and not over-rub it. While exfoliating your body, you can use normal body scrubs that contain natural salts. But just because you have a bad tan don’t try to scrub it all away in one go as it can damage your skin.

Lime juice
Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Tan

Lime juice is the most tried and tested ingredient for tan removal. Slice a lime and rub it on the area that has tanned. Rub it for two minutes and leave it on for 10 minutes. Take a shower the way you would normally do. The citric acid in the lime juice breaks the dead cells down, thus removing the tan as well. Though this will help you feel fresh you should be careful when applying it. If your skin starts itching a lot, wash it off. There is a possibility that your skin might be sensitive and hence, unable to bear the effects of the acid in it.

Curd and Turmeric
Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Tan
Like lemon, curd is also acidic in nature, and that helps remove the tan. Mix in a bowl, some chilled yogurt and add a pinch of turmeric. Apply it on your face and neck and other tanned areas. Leave it to dry for about 30 minutes and wash it off with cold water. Turmeric will also help you get a glow that will camouflage your tan easily.

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Tan
Potato is not just a treat for your taste buds but can also work wonders on your skin. Apply the potato juice on the tanned skin to make it lighter. You can even mix a tablespoon of lemon juice to the potato juice for a better effect. Apply this concoction with cotton and leave it on for 15 minutes. Do it daily for a few days to get back your natural shade.

Sugar and glycerine
Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Tan
In a bowl, mix 1/2 a cup sugar, few drops of glycerine and 1/4 cup of lemon juice. Use this scrub on the tanned area. Gently scrub your face with the tip of your finger. Sugar will scrub your skin well and glycerine will make it soft while the lime will lighten the tan.
Apart from this, you can also use sandalwood paste, honey and papaya skin or an over ripe banana to get the tan removed. But from next time on, take proper precautions before you step out in the sun. Wear sunglasses and sunscreen all the time to protect yourself from direct sunlight. Keeping yourself hydrated is also very important to keep your skin healthy and minimising the effect of the harsh sun rays.

Thursday 14 June 2012

Tomatoes may 'help keep skin young' and protect against sunburn

Ladies, no need to waste your money on buying expensive skin creams

Scientists say tomatoes may provide the best defence to keeping skin looking young and safe from sun damage.Tests has shown that eating tomato paste could help protect against sunburn and skin ageing caused by sunlight exposure.The age-defying ingredient is lycopene - the natural pigment that makes tomatoes red - with highest levels found in processed or cooked tomatoes used in ketchup, paste, soup and juice.
In the study, women eating a diet rich in processed tomatoes had increased skin protection, as seen by a reduction in skin redness and less DNA damage from ultraviolet (UV) exposure.Researchers compared the skin of 20 women, half of whom were given five tablespoons (55g) of standard tomato paste with 10g of olive oil every day for 12 weeks.

The effects on their skin were compared with the remaining volunteers, aged between 21 and 47, eating just olive oil for the same length of time.The volunteers were exposed to UV rays found in sunlight at the beginning and end of the trial.The researchers found significant improvement in the skin's ability to protect itself against UV among those eating tomato paste.
Compared with the other women, the tomato-eating group had 33 per cent more protection against sunburn in the form of less redness.The researchers calculated that protection offered by the tomato paste to be equivalent to a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 1.3.
Skin samples taken from groups before and after trial showed an increase in levels of procollagen, a molecule which gives skin its structure and loss of which leads to skin ageing and lack of elasticity.There was also less damage to mitochondrial DNA in the skin, which is also linked to skin ageing.
Dermatology scientist said the tomato paste eaten was not overly excessive, but the amount that would be consumed from a lot of tomato-based meals.

Reasons why you should take care of your feet

Your foot, quite literally, is the foundation of your body. Like the foundation of a structure needs to be strong, your feet also needs your attention.


The ancient technique of acupuncture also says that your foot has the maximum number of pressure points. These points can solve a lot of your problems like body pain, headache or even an upset stomach. Don’t believe acupuncture? Then read on, as we tell you why you should take care of your feet.

Back pain


How do you pick up a pair of shoe? If comfort is one of the most important parameters on your list, then you are safe. Wearing a wrong pair of footwear can cause body pain. And a continuous use of such uncomfortable shoes can also lead to bad posture and vertebral pain.

Select the right pair of shoes


When selecting running shoes, it is always best that you avoid buying cheap and substandard brands. There are a variety of brands available in the market today that are custom made for running. They are designed in a way that they balance out the weight of your body evenly on the foot. Wear the shoe twice before buying them and make sure that they are not very tight as that will cause shoe-bite and blisters.

Mirror to your health issues

Your feet can show signs of illness well in advance. Medical conditions such as diabetes, arthritis and a lot of other disorders that are associated with circulatory system and nerves show their initial effects on your feet. You can tell if the person is unwell only by touching his feet. When unwell, your feet turn cold due to poor circulation. So, the next time you get cold feet (literally), visit a doctor and get yourself examined.

Infection prone


Any injury or cut on your feet needs to be attended to immediately. As your feet are directly in contact with dust, there are higher chances of contamination. Therefore, you must be extra careful with the cuts and bruises on your feet. The colour of your toe nail can also tell you about your upset stomach, weak liver and lot other stomach related issues. Make sure you maintain a high level of hygiene to stay away from fungal infection.


Take proper care and make sure that you always put the right foot forward. A little extra attention that you pay towards your feet can save you from chronic disorders helping you take immediate action. Always buy shoes that comfort your feet and don't just run after a snazzy looking pair, because there is always a hidden baggage with beautiful things!